Ostrich Gallery


Ostrich eggshell painted in ivory pearl with arches in shades of brown and peach. Trimmed with gold braid, pearls and topaz crystals.  Gold coloured stand mounted on a wooden base, painted in brown and peach.  Base trimmed with gold/green leaves and porcelain roses in shades of peach and ivory. Top covered with similarly coloured leaves and porcelain roses.  Three decorated pigeon eggs nestle inside a light brown broderie-anglaise lining.

click on thumbnail for enlarged picture

An egg is one of nature’s perfect shapes and its appeal to the eye is enhanced by texture, natural colour and perceived delicacy.  The ostrich egg is an exception being much more round in shape and with a very hard shell several millimetres thick. The exterior is shiny and resembles ivory coloured orange peel.  The flightless ostrich lays the worlds largest eggs.

to Heirloom Eggs

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